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Energy Transfer

Energy can be transferred between forms. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, just transferd. You can make an object transfer its energy by moving it, heating it, squashing it, streching it, cooling it or chemically rearranging it. For instance: When you drop an object from a gravitaional field, it transfers gravitational potential energy (GPE) to kinetic energy. And when you turn a lamp on it transfers electrical energy to heat and light energy.


Energy can be storred in objects. GPE, chemical and elactic potenial energy are all forms of stored energy. Food and coal are stores of chemical energy. Energy is transfered when a force moves an object. The thing supplying the effort needs energy to move the object. Here is how you can work out energy transfered:
Force (N) x Distance (M) = Energy Transfered (J)

A sankey diagram displays energy transfer. The arrow going across is useful energy but the arrow going down is wasted energy.

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