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There are three ways to seperate mixtures:


Filtration and Evaporation:


This method is used to seperate rock salt, a mixture of salt and sand. You start by grinding the rock salt into a mortar.You then pour it intoo water. The salt will dissolve into the water. Once you have done this, you pour your mixture through filtration paper. This sould just leave the sand on its own. You then take you salt water and heat it until the water evaporates, leaving the salt.




Chromotography is used to seperate dyes in inks. There are two ways to do chromotography. The first is: Dots of ink are put on filter paper. Then a wick is cut from the paper and dipped in water. The paper absorbs the water and the dyes are washed through the paper. The second is: Put dots of ink across a pencil baseline on chromotography paper. Then roll the sheet up and put it in water. Each dye will form a spot in a different place.

Seperating Mixtures




Distilation can be used to seperate a water and a solid. The mixture is heated until the liquid evaporates. The steam is then cooled and collected in a beaker.Distilation can be used to seperate sea water.


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