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The male reproductive cells are called sperm. Sperm is stored in the testies along with a liquid called semen. During sexual intercourse, blood goes to the penis which makes it stiff. It is then ready to pump sperm into the vagina. The sperm pass uo the sperm duct and into the urethra. It travels down the urethra and out of the penis. Sperm has to be kept at room temperature. Sperms contain a narrow head for burrowing into the egg and a strong tail for swimming.



The female reproductive cells are called eggs. One egg is releaed from one of the two ovaries every 28 days. It passes along the oviduct, where it is most likely to be fertilised by a sperm. It then passes into the uteras. If it has been fertilised, it will make its way to the uteras lining where it will grow into an embryo. If it hasn't then it will pass out of the vagina along with the uteras lining which has been made. This process is called he menstrual cycle. It basicaly prepares the body for a fertilised egg. It happens every 28 days.

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