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Plant Cells

Cells are the building blocks for all organisms. Plants, like humans, are made up of millions of tiny cells, all working together to carry out tasks. A group of cells make up tissues, and a group of tissues make up an organ. A plant cell is more complex than an animal cell. It contains the nucleas, which controls what it does, the cytoplasm, where reactions take place and the cell membrance which controls what goes in and out just like an animal cell, but it also contains more structures. It contains a cell wall which is made of cellulose and provides extra support to the cell. It also contains a vacuole. The vacuole is filled with sap, a weak sollution of salt and sugar. Finally it contains chloroplast. The chloroplast is what makes the plant look green. Chloroplast contains chlorophyl, which is used for photosynthesis.

Cell Membrane



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