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Drugs and Health

There are four main types of drugs:


- Pain Killer: Kills and numbs pain

- Stimulant: Stimulates brain movement

- Depresant: Slows down brain movement

- Hallucinagen: Causes Hallucinations


A drug is anything that can affect the way the body works. There are legal and illegal drugs as well as drugs that can be used for recreactional purposes. Drugs can affect the seven life processes (On the right)


Smoking can cause serious health problems to the lungs. Cigarettes conatin niccotene, tar and carbon minoxide. Carbon minoxide can replace oxygen on the red blood cells, causing a lack of oxygen within your body. Tar covers the cillia, which prevent dust from getting into your lungs and clears mucas. The mucas can stick to your airways and make you cough more.


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