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Digestive System

The digestive stystem consists of 8 parts. When you eat food, it goes straight into your mouth. There the teeth chomp it up and mix it with syliva. It is then swallowed down the oesophagus, which connects the mouth and stomach. Once it reaches the stomach, it is mixed with enzymes which digest the proteins. Hydrochloric acid is in the stomach to burn harmful bacteria on the food. The liver makes bile, which digests the fat into tiny droplets. The pancreas makes protease, carbohydrase and lipase. These are used to digest proteins, carbohydates and fat in the small intestine. Once everything which is neeeded is taken out of the food, it goes into the large intestine. This absorbs the water which is needed out of the food.Finally, it reaches the rectun, which stores food until it is ready to be passed out via the anus


Food molecules pass through the gut  (small intestine) wall to be absorbed into the blood. Big and insoluble molecules are broken up by enzymes, so they can also pass through. The small intestine is lined with finger like projections called villi. They absorb the food so that ot can pass into the blood. They have a thin outer layer, a good blood supply and a large surface area, so are perfect for absorbing food

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